Top Health Tips — 2016
Happy New Year from Carolina Health Coach! It has been a great year, and I thank all of you for reading my posts and hope that you have been inspired to make some healthy changes throughout the year. January is a GREAT time to reach out to me so that we can find the right program for you! Many people try and go it alone, and find themselves right back where they started. Below are some of my top health tips from 2016. Try and tackle one of these at a time, until you see new habits form, and you can recognize how much better you feel from following a few simple tips.
- Drink water (half your body weight, in ounces, per day).
- Take probiotics, if needed, for a healthy digestive system.
- Eat the colors of the rainbow, throughout the week.
- Learn to train yourself to read ingredient labels and look for items with five ingredients or less. Two ingredients to avoid: MSG and high fructose corn syrup. Educate yourself on alternative names for unhealthy ingredients.
- Try juices and smoothies – either make your own or buy at a local spot.
- Use coconut oil in your cooking, and on your skin.
- When you buy or order seafood, look for wild-caught, not farm-raised.
- LIMIT sugar. 1 teaspoon of sugar can suppress the immune system for up to four hours.
- Try and make at least half your plate non-starchy vegetables at each meal.
- If you have access, take advantage of steam room or sauna. Afterwards, alternate cold and hot water over your body in the shower to increase circulation and have a nice “glow” to your skin.
- Start your day with an 8 ounce cup of warm water with lemon. Add apple cider vinegar if you are experiencing heartburn.
- BREATHE – Try the 4-7-8 method.
- Try a cleanse – it’s a great way to hit the reset button for your body and your health.
- Removed processed foods from your diet.
- When you are at a buffet, start with the vegetables and then add others as your plate is more full so you won’t fill up on the “bad” stuff.
- Theobromine, which is found in chocolate, can help with a cough.
- Turmeric not only helps with inflammation, but also has been proven to help with anxiety and depression.
Are you ready to tackle 2017? Let’s discuss what is the right program for you – one-on-one coaching, group cleanse/reset, group coaching or corporate coaching in your place of work. I am here to help you get on track to where you want to be in the long-term!