Corporate and Personal Wellness

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“I started working with Shelley in May of 2015, in order to improve my overall health and to be more intentional about what I was putting into my body. By July, I noticed a dramatic difference in the way I felt both physically and mentally. I have a clean diet, more energy, was less bloated, and most importantly, I felt like I was finally intentional about what I was eating. Thereafter, we created a realistic exercise routine that I truly enjoy. With Shelley’s expertise, I now have a sustainable diet, exercise, and mental wellness routine that effortlessly fits into my busy schedule. I truly feel the best that I have felt in years! I would highly recommend Shelley.”


“The most significant overall change I have noticed is that I feel better, which makes me a more efficient, nicer and happier person. I have learned to manage my diet, exercise and stress in this hectic life. I can recognize when I am getting out of balance and Shelley has provided me with the “tools” to readjust quickly. She is very knowledgeable, thorough and caring. She is very holistic. I have worked with trainers, nutritionists, etc. in the past. Shelley looks at all aspects of your life to help and guide you to meet your goals. I love that she has done extra research, reading, etc. to educate herself on thyroid disease in order to help me. She is constantly learning and sharing ideas to help heal my thyroid, which is a large problem for many women.”


When I first met with Shelley about becoming a client, I had no idea really what it was that she did. I had heard about a nutritionist, but not a health/life coach. I knew I wanted help with trying to feed my family better meals that they all could enjoy as each of them has a different palate, and I stressed about making dinner every night.  I didn’t know at the time the other aspects in my life that needed tweaking. I quickly realized that not only was Shelley knowledgable about the nutrition component of her work, she was amazing at helping me talk through how to achieve a better balance within my own circle of life.  She helped me set goals for myself, and we talked through how to achieve them. She was a teacher, a mentor, a confidant, and a friend. She was non-judgmental, supportive and nurturing.  Achieving life goals and balance is an ongoing process, but Shelley, for me, was a tremendous asset in my life.


I started the program with goals to eat better and improve exercise habits.  Shelley helped me to clarify my goals, and put a plan of action into place. I was able to implement the plan with her guidance and encouragement.  The biggest tangible change I have noticed is a heightened awareness of what I am eating and the impact it has on me – feeling better in general and sleeping MUCH better when I stick to my plan.  Additionally, a greater understanding of the overall connection of the various aspects of my life (beyond what I’m eating and how often I exercise) to my quality of life/how I feel.  I would describe Shelley as an excellent listener.  She asked great questions that allowed for thought-provoking conversations – introducing multiple perspectives.


For the majority of my adult life I would avoid eating all together, food as I knew it not only didn’t make me feel good, it made me feel sick. Within the span of a meal, my fingers and hands would swell up and I would often be covered in a rashes, that at their worst,  left me looking like Will Smith in Hitch.  I had to take daily diuretics to handle the swelling. One year I developed systematic hives that left me stuck at home on Memorial Day and not at the pool with my family. My husband was adamant that it was something I was eating but allergy testing for the suspected culprit shellfish came up negative. I felt helpless.

Last fall during my annual physical and while going over my excessive list of health problems, my Doctor decided to run a complete allergy blood test to see if my problems stemmed from Food Allergies. I was skeptical.  She was genius.  Among a battery of other things my test showed that I allergic to rice, wheat, corn, soy, peanuts and strawberries. A frustrating trip to the allergist left my back hurting; one hour later I was covered in rashes. 

My first trip to the grocery store left me empty handed and desperate, I knew I needed an expert to help me navigate my new reality.  That was when a mutual friend reminded me that Shelley Butler was a Health and Wellness Coach and had undergone extensive training and education at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. After just one meeting, I felt informed, knowledgeable and hopeful for the future; we had already devised a wellness plan. Through weekly meetings, grocery shopping trips to Whole Foods,  a daily regimen of holistic supplements, meal planning assistance and a lot of research; Shelley helped me to 100% change not only my diet, but my entire  lifestyle.

I never would have dreamed that I could make an Asian-inspired dinner for four, without rice and soy sauce, and that my family would love it!  My body now craves fruits and vegetables, grass fed animals (no corn feed) and I get a little cranky if I haven’t had my daily shot of turmeric.  Where I once felt hopelessness, I now have found empowerment. I will forever be grateful to Shelley for changing my life.


