Denise Peters is a intuitive who teaches people how to develop their own spiritual and intuitive abilities, which I believe are important parts of being truly healthy. There are so many different spiritual practices, from Yoga to religion, and we...
Date balls have become a go-to snack for me when I need energy. They are sweet, delicious and satisfying. I like to pack a couple of them in my purse when I am having a busy day so that I...
The last time you went to the mall, did the salesclerk ask you if you wanted your receipt handed to you, in the bag, or emailed to you? Your first thought may be to grab the receipt and shove it...
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. Nuts are a great way to get a dose of heart-healthy fat, as well as a mix of valuable vitamins and minerals. The National Center for Biomedical Information states that “by...
Sometimes it’s hard to think of a healthy side to take to a picnic or cookout in the summer, because many things have to be served hot, or need to be refrigerated until it’s time to eat. I have an...
Is there a beach or other vacation spot that’s calling your name this summer? Are you fantasizing about getting there and letting it all go so that you can relax and enjoy time doing what you like to do? Sometimes...
Memorial Day 2016 is upon us. It is a time to remember and honor the people who died serving our country. Memorial Day began after the Civil War as a Decoration Day: A time to decorate soldiers’ graves with flowers. ...
It’s the beginning of okra season in North Carolina, and I can’t seem to get enough of it! Many people are turned off by the slimy texture of okra, but maybe it’s time to give it another try – you...
Have you ever gone through your week, and realized that you didn’t eat any greens? I used to do this, and then would have a salad here or there thinking that was enough. But was it enough? NO! We should...
Many of us start each day with the intention of being healthy. There are so many distractions in today’s busy world that it is easy to get off track, before you even get started! Cravings and feelings of hunger creep...