How to Eat Healthy While On the Go

Many of us start each day with the intention of being healthy. There are so many distractions in today’s busy world that it is easy to get off track, before you even get started! Cravings and feelings of hunger creep up on us at some of the most inopportune times. What if you’re not home (which is the case for many) when your tummy starts to rumble? Drive-thrus and convenient stores are everywhere, and they can be very tempting when you want a quick fix. Are you prepared? Here are a couple of tips of what to do when that “feeling” strikes:
- Drink at least 8 ounces of water. Dehydration can make you feel hungry, so it’s important to keep water with you at all times, so that you stay hydrated. This will keep some of your cravings at bay, and you will be more likely to eat when your body really needs it. This sounds almost too simple, but it really does help.
- Keep plenty of healthy snacks around you, either at your desk, in your car, or at your place of work. Sometimes you truly need a snack to get to the next meal, so here are some recommendations of what to keep on hand for when you are on the go and can’t get to your healthy pantry at home.
- Boiled eggs
- Nuts – almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.
- Trail mixes – I like the ones from Trade Joe’s that are individually wrapped for freshness. Also, many health food stores have make-your-own trail mix stations, which are great for customizing your own mix.
- Pieces of whole fruit – apple, pear, banana, etc. These are great dipped in nut butter, if you have access to a knife while on the go. You can always pack a plastic knife in your “to go” kit. If not, just eat the fruit plain.
- Cut up veggies – carrots, celery, radishes (bring along some hummus if you can keep it refridgerated).
- Kale chips – to make: Toss raw kale with olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt. Spread evenly on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 350 degrees, until crisp. Keep an eye on them because they burn fast!
- Sliced organic cheese.
- A healthy, whole-food protein bar. Watch the sugar though! I like Kind bars and Larabars.
- A jar of your favorite olives. I like the Trader Joe’s jalapeno-stuffed olives.
- Popcorn popped in coconut oil – In a large pot, melt 2 tablespoons coconut oil on med-high heat. Add ½ cup popcorn and wait for it to pop.
- If you find yourself out and about during your day without your emergency food-to-go kit, try and make a healthy decision when stopping for a quick bite, or a snack. If there is a grocery store nearby, stop there instead of the drive-thru or convenient store. Many grocery stores have fresh sushi, salad bars, organic produce, and other fresh whole food options that will get the job done in a much healthier way than fast food.